Friday, April 12, 2013

Boycotting McDonalds

This is no new issue however the short videos that have been posted recently to promote McDonald’s – the story of Naseer & Sofiah, have clearly shown that Malaysians have advanced to a higher level of ignorance.

I am extremely frustrated with this progress and I would like to share my point of view regarding this matter hoping to spark some awareness in the hearts of Malaysians.

We are growing intellectually so well that we are already talking at molecular level to manipulate genes for betterment of human being. At this level of development I’m surprised when we can’t even comprehend one important human right which is the right to live.

In the hype of PRU13, the awareness of fighting for our country is at its highest then why are we supporting Zionists on the occupation of Palestine with those videos? (Please note that I’m using the term Zionists because Zionist specifically means those who support establishment of the land of Israel. Anyone can be Zionist but not all Jewish are Zionist, a Muslim who supports this can be Muslim Zionist.)

From my observation, people in dealing with this issue can be categorized into 2 main groups, which can be further divided into 6 groups:

1. Boycott

1a) Boycott 24/7
1b) Boycott +/-

2. XBoycott

2a) Aware/ Not aware
2ai)  XBoycott + Aware
2aii) XBoycott + Not aware

2b) Embarrased/ Proud
2bi)  X boycott + Embarrased
2bii) XBoycott + Proud

Group 2bii is now more advanced since recently they already expressed their proudness on TV, before this just they just display drive-in sticker on their cars.

The question is which group are we in? Can we be satisfied if we are not in 1a?

My dear readers, this is not merely a religious issue, it is basic human rights and so everybody should fight for it.

There are people in Palestine who are being killed and are being denied of their basic human rights. The profit from McD is used by the Zionists to fund the occupation of Palestine.  

Stop eating McD & stop killing Palestinians because we are humans who are aware of our basic human rights, the fact that we are obligated to help each other.

This is a fight between Zionists and Palestinians, be aware of this issue and help the one being oppressed. You have to decide which side are you in and act accordingly. You cannot simply criticize Israel and eat McD. What type of person are you? Why contradicting your own self?

For my dear Muslims brothers & sisters, you have more reason to help. It is our third holy land which is currently occupied by the enemy. This is not optional. We are obligated to fight for it. Wake up! Rachel Corrie , a 23 year old American had sacrificed her life for Palestine, she was crushed to death by Israel’s bulldozer in Rafah during the 2nd Palestinian Intifada,  and we can’t even sacrifice prosperity burger? We should be ashamed of ourselves if we still walk into McD or let the sticker be on our cars.

Do understand that this boycott is for McD to change their policy. We are aiming at McD as it is the biggest contributor to Israel, this is a proven fact. There a lot of companies in the boycott list, it is most strategic to aim at McD as everybody eat McD. Other companies in the boycott list such as loreal & starbucks only have customers from certain groups of people. There are companies that have been removed from boycott list because they finally change their policy eg. Sara Lee & nokia. (

My apology if this entry hurts anyone in anyway. My intention is purely to create awareness in our hearts. We are created as a caliph with a very important role to make this world a better place for everybody.

If we are created for such a great role why choose to live like animal with no intention to make today better than yesterday & tomorrow better than today. No one cows or cat waking up in the morning trying to make this world a better place, they are made to be confined to a cycle but we are not bounded to any stupid cycle. We can always get out from a terrible system & create a better one, at least in our minds. I believe that one day McD will change the policy & once again we can enjoy the cheese burger without any guilt or we can have better meal in Jannah. (Imagine my craving after 5 years without it)

I’m not referring to improvement in terms of wealth & lifestyle because in those aspects we are improving even though certain groups of people are still left behind. I’m referring to improvement in spiritual & intellectual growth towards forming better generation – a generation who knows who they are, why they are created and fulfil the purpose of their creation.  

Wake up, discover yourself, have a clear goal, move towards it! All the best :)



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