Sunday, June 20, 2010

IKRAM - What a Blessing!

IKRAM is an NGO for dakwah. it is a new organization which was launched today, 20th June 2010. it is now in 14 states n 69 districts. Even though it's a new organization, it doesn't start from zero as the important people behind it have been working in dakwah n tarbiyah since the last 3 decades under different forms of organizations which have now united under IKRAM. This is proven by the number of people attending the remarkable ceremony. roughly, there were about 5500 people there.

>>>heading to MIECC (Malaysia International Exhibition n Convention Centre), The Mines.

>>> inside the hall,
akhawat in front of me

akhawat behind me, tak nampak hujung

>>>Outside the hall,
during break - it was really crowded. byk bende menarik di jual, tp nak tgk pun susah sbb sgt ramai, nak beli lgla ssh.

nice t-shirts

i tried the aqsa syarif chocolate-almond, not bad. hehe

Alhamdulillah i managed to buy a few books that i need.
tak pyh bc yg photostat or pinjam dah bile kene present mase usrah :)
- Sirah Nabi Muhammad saw - Dr Mustafa as-Syibaie
- Kitab Tauhid - Abdul Majid Aziz Az-Zindani
- Al-Adab
- Himpunan Risalah Hasan Al-Banna

Points to note:
>>>kita bukan kerdil,
1. kekuatan rohani
2. kekuatan ahli IKRAM
>>>Banna: Jika anda tidak bersama jemaah org lain akan bersama jemaah tetapi tiada orang yang akan bersama anda.
>>>NGO mampu mempengaruhi pemerintah eg: NGO in Mavi Marmara

For me IKRAM is a great blessing as it shows that i'm not alone n now i have an effective vehicle for me to function as a caliph. So, let's make full use of IKRAM :)

Lastly, do listen to IKRAM song here--> it's the best nasyid i've ever heard bcoz of the combination of the meaningful lyric and rentak yg menaikkan semangat.

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