Friday, June 18, 2010

Mavi & MYvi Marmara

I hope it's not too much for me to name my car 'MYvi Marmara' after what it went through on June 17,2010. I was driving the car after a small group session with a Mavi Marmara survivor to a talk by this heroic man in another place when the accident happened. Yet, by the grace of Allah I managed to drive the car to that place and back to my college for a meeting on 'Mavi Marmara' pantomime that will be performed during a talentime in less than 2 weeks, insyaallah. The name MYvi Marmara was in fact coined by my close buddy in a joke a day before the incident.

The volunteers of Aqsa Syarif were privileged to have a separate session with the survivior, Ust Hasanuddin who is also the president of NGO Aqsa syarif. We were supposed to start at 5.15pm that day. However because he had some program with Melaka radio station, we started at around 6.15 and ended around 6.45 pm. We were briefed on what we can do for the Palestinians and how to do it.

After that I had to pick my 3 friends and go to Masjid Al-Alami, MITC, Melaka where the talk was held. i was supposed to meet one of them, who came by a scooter in front of Melaka GH and guide her to a house where the other 2 friends live so that she could leave her scooter there and we all could go to MITC by car.

Unfortunately, while i was trying to make a turn in front of Melaka GH, when i was already close to the 'longkang', i stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brake, full force and so i went right into the drain... it happened so fast. i didn't know what to do. i stepped on the gas pedal, the car's not moving. i looked out the window, giving sign to a driver on the opposite site of the road that i need help.

I got off the car, and guess what i saw? the back tyre on my side was hanging in the air. i walked to the other side, the front tyre was hanging in the square 'longkang, still moving. This is the square longkang...

The passersby started to crowd to give a hand. I was asked to neutral the gear. I did so and turned off the engine. This time my friend already arrived. she was so shocked to see the the car hanging there but relieved once she saw me.

Then i was asked to reverse the car. i refused to do so as i was shaking. i asked one of them to help me. A few people push the front part and a man stood and jumped on the back seat with the back door opened.

i was about to call the other 2 friends to cancel our plan because i don't think the car could function well. Luckily in a few minutes the car was on the ground and it was functioning just as previously. I thanked those who had helped me and we continued with our plan.

Frankly speaking, while driving to the talk, i was still traumatized. i was worried about so many things but my priority that time was to get my 3 friends there. Alhamdulillah we reached Masjid Al-Alami safely and we performed solat Maghrib. I felt much better after the prayer. Then the talk started. The sharing really touched my heart that it washed away all the unpleasant feelings.

The following are some points from the talk that i would like to share here:
> Israel is a threat to the world community
> 3 main obj of Flotilla Gaza Aid
1. sending food and medical supply
2. To end the siege on Gaza
3. To expose israel's deception to the world
> The third objective is achieved
> the attack on mavi marmara was a blessing
- pemerintah suka/tidak bersatu dalam isu palestin
- Parti bukan pemerintah bersatu dgn parti pemerintah
> Mavi marmara taught the activist to strengthen their bonding with Allah s.w.t.
Solat jemaah, baca quran,bacaan matsurat pagi n petang, puasa, solat tahajud,
> Mavi marmara also taught the activists to deal with the people of other religion
Ust menceritakan pengalaman membantu seorg paderi yg berumur sekitar 80 thn yg
menghidap diabetes - tolong bagi ubat, suap makanan n ke bilik air
> Mavi marmara taught the activists to treat the enemy kindly
A doctor help to treat an israeli army who was accidently shot by another israeli
army.They did not tie the army but he himself jumped into the sea.
> Allah's help
- put fear inside the hearts of the israeli army
- remove fear in the hearts of muslim
- send wind when the israeli army fired volleys of tear gas at the activist
> Show the power of iman. the speaker told us - atas tarbiyah yg diterima, dia mampu
menumpukan minda kepada Allah sehingga hilang rasa sakit semasa diikat dan dipijak
oleh tentera israel krn dia percaya kaki yg memijak milik Allah, badan yg sakit
milik Allah dan peristiwa yang berlaku juga milik Allah.
He also said -setengah jam dipijak, peluang habluminallah n habluminannas sgt enak
> The beauty of ukhuwwah
How they help each other to open a drinking bottle with tied hands. 1st, it was
painful enough to open the bottle. 2nd when the bottle was open it was painful and
difficult to pour into each other's mouth by bending backward.
> keperluan membawa suasana n ukhuwwah di atas Mavi Marmara ke dunia kita.
> A dr that attended to a jenazah seorg turki dpt menghidu bau harum pd jenazah
> Mereka diuji utk bersabar, kita diuji utk bersyukur

Let's keep on doing what we can for Palestine. This battle will not be a smooth one. It demands our hearts, minds, money,time and and we'll be tested along the way. It's the price that we have to pay to be on the right path and it will be worth it. Remembering As-Syahid Hassan Al-Banna - the founder of ikwanul muslimin who was shot to death and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin - the founder of Hamas who was killed by missiles, they both had died but their spirit live in the hearts of those continuing the same battle.

I hope with my sharing, the spirit of mavi marmara remains and this flame will keep on burning deep inside our hearts.

1 comment:

asma' said...

insyaAllah tak kene marah kot...
thanks for sharing...ada2 part yg akak tak terdgr mayb ter tak
moga sama2 dpt ambil pengajaran...